Wednesday, 9 November 2016

Donald - The Trumpian

Donald Trump has been labelled a racist, foul mouthed misogynist and a circus clown. He has no tact or diplomacy and says what he thinks, literally. His debating skills are less than ordinary and his capacity to maintain an intellectual conversation is in itself debatable.
Be that as it may, Donald Trump represents  the majority of the American public who are sick and tired of living on food stamps; being frustrated by unemployment; sick of endless wars the US military is incapable of controlling, with more body bags of their loved ones returning home daily. They have had enough of their government expending more time and money on a foreign policy for the Middle East and Eastern Europe that has miserably failed since Barack "yes we can" Obama took office in 2009.
They are sick of the corruption on Wall Street and the big Banks who are "too big to fail". They've had enough of the Clinton scandals and her empty rhetoric with nothing concrete to offer the American people. Notwithstanding the fact that her criminal activities are all but swept under the carpet at the 11th hour. The American people collectively decided not to put someone, with a tainted reputation, in the White House.They are well aware that should she have won, all they would get was more of the same with a  rapidly eroding  socio-economic climate at home.
Regardless of his unsavoury utterances and  thoughtless outbursts, the American public took a chance with Trump because he may, just may deliver on his promises of abandoning the Establishment's current focus on foreign policy and overhaul internal policies to benefit the American people.
With a Clinton presidency they know that would have been a pipe dream, because she undoubtedly represents the elite establishment and that's where her focus would have been.........